Answer: LIE
LIE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 605 times.
Referring Clues:
- Prevaricate
- One of a pack?
- "The check is in the mail," maybe
- Golfer's concern
- Hammarskjold's predecessor
- Deception
- A small one is white
- Rough position?
- You wouldn't want to be caught in one
- "The check is in the mail," perhaps
- Statement from Pinocchio
- Golf position
- Tell a whopper
- Little white thing
- "Fairy tale"
- Golf ball position
- Become prone
- Stay flat
- Trumped-up story
- Go flat?
- One of a pack, perhaps
- Fabrication
- Invention, so to speak
- Tell a tall tale
- Remain
- More than a stretch
- Be flat?
- Tell whoppers
- More than stretch the truth
- "The dog ate my homework" is a classic one
- Sprawl
- Be a bad witness
- Imposture
- Be untrustworthy
- __ fallow (rust)
- Tell tall tales
- Whopper
- Untruth
- Be less than candid
- Make stuff up
- Mendacity
- Many an excuse
- Misstatement
- Tell it like it isn't
- Bit of slander
- More than an exaggeration
- It may be analyzed before a stroke
- Be positioned
- Truth decay?
- Get prone
- Stretch or stretch out
- Weave a tangled web, say
- Fib
- One might get caught in it
- Fanciful story
- Weigh (on)
- Fairway position
- Rest
- With 20-Across, receive a posthumous honor
- Break an oath, perhaps
- Stretch out
- Position at the Masters
- Commit perjury
- Large amount of fudge?
- Story
- Tell a "story"
- Tell falsehoods
- Practice tact, perhaps
- Cock-and-bull story
- Something bad to be caught in
- Whopper
- Fish story
- Be a make-up artist?
- Bad testimony
- Fail a polygraph
- Tall tale
- Say what isn't so
- "This puzzle is really, really hard," e.g.
- Invention that's not thought highly of
- Made-up story
- Say A is not A, say
- Interrogator's discovery
- Perjure oneself
- One may be caught in it
- Be prostrate
- Good one, so to speak
- Type of detector
- What a polygraph test may reveal
- Stretch the truth
- Test a polygraph, perhaps
- Convey a false impression
- Polygraph's disclosure
- Break a witness stand oath
- Links situation
- Thing to do in waiting?
- Speak with forked tongue
- Intentional inaccuracy
- Cooked-up story
- Use a little bit of make-up?
- Titleist's position
- Polygraph wave, perhaps
- It's cooked up
- "The world's longest parking lot" (abbr.)
- Tell tales
- Polygraph wave, maybe
- Falsehood
- Rest, dog-style
- A white one is small
- Fudge the facts
- Engage in mendacity
- Whopper you can't eat
- Golf ball location
- Prevarication
- Falsification
- Risk a perjury charge
- Polygraph detection
- Baldfaced bit
- Challenge a polygraph
- Course position
- Twist the truth
- Bit of deception
- Tell a fib
- Be a prevaricator
- Palter
- Polygrapher's detection
- First U.N. secretary general
- Tell stories
- "I cannot tell a ___"
- It's not to be believed
- Creative story
- It's not true
- Utter a falsehood
- Be a false witness
- Risk a perjury conviction
- Invention of a sort
- Recline
- Song and dance, perhaps
- Be supine
- Misstate the facts
- What a polygraph might detect
- "Let sleeping dogs ___"
- Be flat
- Be mendacious
- ___ detector (polygraph)
- Polygraphist's detection
- Nassau County hwy.
- Interrogator's red-flag raiser
- Golfer's position
- Way the ball sits
- One may do it through one's teeth
- Alibi, maybe
- Invention
- Fairway situation
- Story, maybe
- It's made up
- Alibi, at times
- Be tactful, perhaps
- Lounge
- Alibi, perhaps
- You might find a bad one in the rough
- There's no truth to it
- One might precede "Not!"
- Courtroom revelation
- Relax
- See 52 Across
- Outright fabrication
- Be untruthful
- Be situated
- Rest, with ''by''
- Trumped-up tale
- Say what's not so
- Be false
- Be deceitful
- Go beyond embroidery
- Tell a tale
- Tell fibs
- Pinocchio no-no
- Weave a tangled web
- Use a chaise longue
- Position, in golf
- Golf-ball position
- Position for Palmer
- State what's not so
- Disregard the truth
- Perjury offense
- Varnished truth
- "Would I ___ To You?" (Eurythmics tune)
- Bad thing to be caught in
- Be less than truthful
- Worst kind of campaign promise
- Risk a long nose
- You can do it on your side
- ''The check is in the mail,'' maybe
- Tell a tall one
- Depart from the truth
- Bald-faced thing
- Stretch a point
- Not a good thing to be caught in
- Blip on a polygraph
- ''I cannot tell a ___''
- It isn't true
- It's little when white
- Bald-faced bit
- Shepard drama ''A ___ of the Mind''
- Bald-faced item
- Practice deception, in a way
- Tell a good one
- Practice deception
- Perjurer's offense
- A little bull
- Speak with a forked tongue
- Toss the bull
- It may be cooked up
- "A ___ of the Mind," Shepard drama
- One in a pack?
- Conceal the truth
- A white one is little
- What you may get caught in
- You may get caught in it
- A little bull?
- Bad thing to get caught in
- Dishonest response
- Cypress Point placement
- Tarradiddle
- Cover up, essentially
- The varnished truth
- Tell a big one
- Big fib
- "The dog ate my homework," maybe
- Pinocchio's downfall
- Falsity
- Baldfaced ___
- ___ through your teeth
- Bit of baloney
- Make up an alibi
- Myth
- Fail to be honest
- Terminological inexactitude, to Churchill
- Be caught by a polygraph
- Golf ball's position
- White ___
- Doctored account
- Taradiddle
- Bit of truth decay?
- Be deceitful, in a way
- Fish tale, essentially
- "The dog ate my homework," for one
- Polygraph's find
- Dispense untruths
- It may be part of a pack
- It's not good to get caught in one
- Amateur golfer's score, perhaps
- Rewrite history, in a way
- Shepard drama "A ___ of the Mind"
- More than fudge
- Polygraph perturber
- Links position
- Get supine
- Rest, with "by"
- Deliberate falsification
- Take advantage of the La-Z-Boy, say
- Not shoot straight
- "You ___!" (newsworthy 2009 outburst)
- Dispense BS
- Don't be straight
- Falsify
- Weir's concern
- Make like a rug
- Canard
- "The check is in the mail," often
- See 102-Down
- Part of a pack?
- Embroider, maybe
- Emulate pinocchio
- Tiger's position
- Fairy tale
- "So you're just gonna sit there and ___ to my face?"
- Links concern
- Varnished truth?
- Rest in a horizontal position
- Be a dirty double-crosser
- Henry Blake's rank in "M*A*S*H*"
- Landlocked Alpine principality
- -
- Fictitious account
- Mendacious story
- Bit of disinformation
- Make it all up
- Fail a polygraph test
- Piece of fiction
- Fail to be truthful
- Use deceit
- Fiction
- Deceit
- Tale
- Suit accessory
- Avoid the truth
- Phony story
- False story
- Impostor's tale
- Pinocchio's undoing
- Repose
- It's not true!
- Trygve of U.N. fame
- Whopper or fib
- Be horizontal
- Utter a fib
- False tale
- Be abed
- "A ___ of the Mind" (Sam Shepard drama)
- Trumped-up story, essentially
- Fib, e.g.
- "I cannot tell a ___" (George Washington's claim)
- Distortion, perhaps
- "He maketh me to ___ down in green ..."
- It's not so
- Whopper, e.g.
- "The dog ate my homework," probably
- See 77-Across
- Blow smoke
- Risk growing a long nose, like Pinocchio
- Disappoint the Blue Fairy, in a way
- Thing in some packs
- It may be caught by a polygraph
- What "can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes," per Mark Twain
- Potentially slanderous remark
- Stretch the truth or stretch out
- George Washington no-no
- Crooked line?
- Golf postion
- Tell untruths
- Sprawl, say
- Concern on the course
- Little white item?
- It may influence which club you choose
- Perjurer's pronouncement
- Position
- Creative answer?
- Whopper, so to speak
- With "in" and 60-Down, prepare for an ambush
- Truth decay
- Courtroom taboo
- Pinocchio's peccadillo
- Serve up a whopper?
- Basis for a libel suit
- Deceitful declaration
- Bit of mendacity
- False-hood
- "A ___ cannot live": Martin Luther King Jr.
- Where the golf ball is
- Abandon truth
- Polygraph blip, presumably
- ___ low
- Make something up
- Pate's placement
- Bit of jive
- Dirty, stinkin' item, perhaps
- Say "I do" when you don't?
- Position of an object
- Golf commentator's subject
- Use a bed
- "The check is in the mail," sometimes
- Fairway placement
- Excuse, sometimes
- Make baloney?
- Fibber's tale
- Concern in the rough
- Golfball locale
- Commit perjury, say
- It makes Pinocchio's nose grow
- Rest horizontally
- Pinocchio peccadillo
- Speak badly?
- More than a fib
- Fictionalize?
- Say that this clue is 69-Across, say
- Polygraph abnormalities
- Twist facts
- Certain kind of alibi
- Risk a perjury rap
- Interrogator's red flag raiser
- Bit of flimflam
- ___ in wait
- Utter fibs
- Certain deception
- Item in a pack?
- Not be straight
- Be deceptive
- Sleep (with)
- It can be white or bald-faced
- "Well, I'd love to keep talking ...," probably
- Placement, on the links
- Perjurious statement
- Commit slander
- Factor in club selection
- Polygraph exciter
- Equivocate
- Detector detection
- Tell a story
- "___ Down In Darkness": Styron novel
- ___ detector
- A bad one can raise one's score
- Be dishonest
- Inventive account
- Embroider the truth
- Break a witness-stand oath
- Truth's opposite
- Common slander
- Weir concern
- Moment of dishonesty
- Arnie's position
- Speak creatively?
- Deceptive statement
- "___ detector"
- An untruth
- Polygraph indication, sometimes
- Overstretch
- Be dishonest, in a way
- Fabulize
- Be grounded
- Deliberate misstatement
- Baldfaced thing
- Kind of detector
- Be prone
- Unconvincing excuse, probably
- Exercise tact, perhaps
- Incorrect affirmation
- Made-up tale
- Tall one
- Club selection factor
- Cover for someone, say
- Stretcher, to Huck Finn
- Baron Munchausen whopper
- Lay it on thick
- Bit of duplicity
- Whopper of a tale
- Stretch, of sorts
- Catalyst for Pinocchio
- "Your table will be ready in five minutes," possibly
- Bit of fiction
- One of a rat's pack?
- Little white ___
- Misrepresentation
- Make a polygraph go nuts
- Be on the level?
- PolitiFact finding
- Big fish story
- It's not the truth
- What you'd be embarrassed to be called on
- "I already have other plans," often
- Fabricated statement
- Become horizontal
- Deceive
- Go beyond fudging
- Bunch of baloney
- Load of baloney
- Total fabrication
- Make things up
- Deliver a falsehood
- Fudge a bit
- Perjure
- Bit of fake news
- Be idle
- "Bald-faced" thing
- Telltales
- Rumour
- 27-Across, often
- Deliberate omission, some say
- Get down, in a way
- "___ to me"
- It's little when it's white
- "Little white" statement
- You might get a bad one in the rough
- Utter falsehood
- What a polygraph will disclose
- Load of bunk
- Factor in golf club selection
- Whopper, but not a Big Mac
- Churn out whoppers
- "Alternative fact"
- Fabricate
- Issue fake news, say
- Get in a prone position
- "This puzzle is relatively easy," say
- False utterance
- Twist the facts
- See 62 Down
- Pull a Pinocchio
- Trygve of the UN
- Factor in club choice
- Bit of fake 33-Down
- Be an incredible speaker?
- Be less than honest
- "No ___ can live forever": Martin Luther King Jr.
- Position after a drive
- Some do it through their teeth
- Tell an untruth
- Factor in golf-club selection
- Break a courtroom oath
- Stand's opposite ... or a bad thing to do on the stand
- Cover story
- Something ratable by number of Pinocchios
- "This is not the last clue in this puzzle," e.g.
- It can be white or boldfaced
- Call a spade a diamond
- Witness-stand taboo
- False account
- Truth decay unit?
- Say incredible things?
- That can't be right
- Make up something
- It's bold-faced at times
- Say something that's not true
- Whopper (but not the Burger King kind)
- Many an alibi
- What Huck Finn called a "stretcher"
- Stump the panel on "to tell the truth"
- Deceitful words
- More-than-stretchy statement
- False statement
- Dispense with honesty
- Witness stand taboo
- Fictional statement
- Very tall tale
- Let sleeping dogs ___
- Concoction
- Make up a cover story, say
- Two Truths and a ___
- Polygraph finding
- Verb commonly confused with "lay"
- Bad thing to do on a resume
- Something fabulous
- Make up a story, maybe
- ___ like a rug
- Bit of perjury
- What not to do at a witness stand
- "Somebody told a ___ one day ..." (MLK)
- Back down?
- What some people do through their teeth
- "I didn't cheat," perhaps
- Harmful invention?
- Shakira's "Hips Don't ___"
- Golfer's consideration
- Inveracity
- Don't believe it!
- Dealers do this
- "I'll be there in five minutes," often
- "We ___ loudest when we ___ to ourselves": Eric Hoffer
- "Of course I remember you!," often
- "Nothing fools you better than the ___ you tell yourself": Teller
- Do the corpse pose
- Depart from the facts
- Unlikely story, likely
- "Not gonna ___"
- Take a risk when taking a polygraph test
- No-no on the stand
- "No ___!"
- Spread falsehoods
- A white one might be excused
- Create an account?
- Trust buster
- "I promise I won't laugh," often
- "I was stuck in traffic," maybe
- Serve up a whopper
- "Tuesday is the hardest crossword of the week," e.g.
- Tell tales, maybe
- "Thanks, it's just what I've always wanted," often
- Tricky thing to get caught in
- Fail to be straight
- Speak like a rug?
- Many people do this about their height
- Golf variable
- "Hips Don't ___": Shakira hit
- State fiction as fact
- That's not true
- Untrue claim
- "It's not you, it's me," maybe
- Blip on a polygraph, maybe
- Bluff, say
- "Not gonna ___ ..."
- What hips don't do, per a Shakira hit
- One might be bald-faced
- "We ___ the loudest when we ___ to ourselves": Eric Hoffer
- Word often confused with "lay"
- Two truths and a ___: icebreaker game
- Work of fiction?
- Deceive with words
- What many people do on their dating profiles
- Many do this on the beach
- Risky thing to do in an affidavit
- "On my way!" text, maybe
- Produce whoppers
- "Of course, I remember you!," perhaps
- Untrue statement
- Where a golf ball sits
- Golf balls position
- Get in a corpse pose
- Deceitful statement
- "That's a ___!"
- Show signs of mythomania
- "I can't ___ …"
- Be a fibber
- What crossed fingers behind one's back might indicate
- "Adjust" the facts
- "I prefer an ugly truth to a pretty ___" (Shakira quote)
Last Seen In:
- USA Today - March 11, 2025
- USA Today - February 27, 2025
- USA Today - February 24, 2025
- New York Times - February 19, 2025
- New York Times - February 16, 2025
- LA Times - January 21, 2025
- New York Times - January 18, 2025
- USA Today - January 16, 2025
- USA Today - January 08, 2025
- LA Times - December 15, 2024
- USA Today - December 05, 2024
- New York Times - November 24, 2024
- USA Today - November 11, 2024
- USA Today - November 07, 2024
- LA Times - November 05, 2024
- LA Times - October 15, 2024
- USA Today - September 30, 2024
- LA Times - September 26, 2024
- New York Times - September 23, 2024
- New York Times - September 12, 2024
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